About our project

Fair Play: Peace and tolerance by shared intercultural learning through healthy living and S.P.O.R.T.S: Staying healthy
Olympic Ideal

The idea of our project is to focus on sport and healthy living. We came across the idea, because we wanted to create a anti-racist, intergrative project, where it is easy to involve a lot of people, even people who do not speak English well.
Since the main principles of sport are fairness, reaching a goal together, involving people (from all over the world), getting to know your team mate, making integration possible and, what is most important, to play or compete peacefully together, our topic is ideal in order to support integration of students and teachers of any kind into our project.
Additionally, the topic has a lasting impact on the participant´s life, may it be in private life or in the world of work.

During our preparatory meeting in Bath, England, we talked about traditional sports activities in the participating countries, about the possibilities students have to do sports in their teenage life, and they way they are taught to stay healthy and to keep fit.

Astonishingly we have noticed great differences in mordern sports facilities in every country. Therefore we have decided to take students to institutions which do not exist in the other countries and teach them how these institutions work, who are they run by, who is working there, and what it takes to run such an institution.
The final product of our project will be an interactive Ebook, which will be filled during the project, by the end of the project, it can be published. Every step we take during the project will be shown on our official project website which will be kept up for at least five years, such as our Comenius Website, which still exists and which is still quite popular.

Objectives for our project are:
– To create/invent our own sport
– To focus upon traditional sports in every country
– To involve the music department to compose a hymn
– To celebrate mini Olympic games during a meeting
– To meet once in every country
– To involve children in need and children that need to be integrated
– To encourage our students to work on and write instructions/rules in English
– To run our own project website for all the participating countries
– To make instructional videos
– To teach the students in programming computer games and how to create a logo
– To take the students to sports events in our home countries
– To encourage students to write blog/magazine entries
– To interview famous sports star
– To learn about the partner countries´ languages
– To learn about jon profiles of sports instructors and people who work in the sports business
– To develop and sell own healthy products
– To learn about merchandising
– To teach our team sports to neighbouring schools Editorial:
– To improve reading and writing skills
– To establish rules for our own sport
– To improve mathematic skills (i.e. financial coachings, business calculations)
– To teach students how to write blog entries, design advertisement and produce “rousing” texts

– To exercise and perform athletics and sporty sequences
– To improve the students´ physical well-being, self-esteem and teamwork as essential parts in school and future working life
– To combine different kinds of sports and create a new kind
– To investigate science of sports, sports medicine
– To have fun creating and developing a new kind of sports that easily involves children that have migrant background or otherwise need to be integrated

– To build up friendships based on tolerance between students in different countries
– To focus on individual talents and their specific advancement concerning future job opportunities (i.e. sports, IT/digital abilities, business and marketing, editorial activities, manual and technical work, craftsmanship, art and music)
– To strengthen the integration of children in need and establish equal opportunities
– To encourage children with German/English/Norwegian/Finnish as their foreign language to be part of an equal team
– To make children learn and benefit from each other by putting together individual talents and abilities
– To allow teachers to exchange new pedagogical ideas and good practices, eg. Finnish school have implemented programming and multidisciplinary, phenomenon –based learning
– To learn to say “NO”- MOT in Norway
– To try new teaching methods in Finland

Information technology
– To do online research about science, sports and traditions
– To improve skills in programming, video editing, retouching pictures, designing logos and developing a brand (including corporate design), writing blog entries, using chats, messenger and social media

– To be creative in developing, painting, retouching pictures, logos and corporate designs
– To make dance choreographies and teach it to other students
– To write music and sing, perform and jam together in a team