
This is a link to our school.

The Norway team attend the 9. grade at Sodin School in the town of Kyrksæterøra. Our school has both primary and secondary students from the surrounding community of Hemne. There are 400 pupils that attend Sodin school and classes are taught in the Norwegian language. The town of Kyrksæterøra is located half way up the coast of Norway and approximately 100km from the third largest city in Norway.

To represent Norway, the whole grade 9 group had a logo competition in class to create a logo for the project that would be used on the Norwegian project t-shirts. The local community and Norwegian companies were very supportive of the international project and provided funding for the project t-shirts.

Some of our sponser are: Hemne sparebanken, Sodin Skole, Moltubakk skilt og reklame, Gjensidige Hemne, Lerøy, Lund bakeri, Wacker Holla

Thanks to our sponsers

Winning logo competition

Presenting the project to students, teachers and parents

Application process

The process of selecting students for the program in Norway required a written application in the first stage as seen above. If successful in the written application, the second stage was a formal interview as followed:

Vi foreslår disse spørsmålene:(We suggested these questions when applying for the Erasmus project:)

*Hvorfor har du lyst til å delta i prosjektet? (Why would you like to participate in the project?)

*Hvorfor skal vi velge deg? Hva kan du bidra med? (Why should we choose you? What can you contribute with?)

*Hva tenker du at det innebærer at du representerer Sodin og Norge? (What do you think it involves that you are representing Sodin school and Norway?)

*Hva er viktig å tenke på når du er på besøk i et annet hjem? (What is important to think about when you are visiting someone elses home?)

*Er du innstilt på å bo hos en ukjent familie i en uke? (Are you prepared to live with an unknown familie for a week?)

*Er du innstilt på å være en aktiv deltaker gjennom hele uka? (Are you prepared to be an active participant for the whole week?)

Hvem tror du at det er smart at du i tilfelle får reise sammen med?(Who do you think is a good travelling partner if you are a successful applicant?)

England Learning, Teaching and training activities

In preparation for the England Learning, Teaching and Training activity, the students worked in groups to research healthy living habits and sporting activities at Sodin school. In addition, the students researched sporting opportunities provided outside school hours.


Evaluation from England Learning, Teaching and training activity

Elevevaluering – Reise til Bath, England
Student evaluation
Skriv dine svar etter hvert spørsmål. Vær ærlig, og forklar svarene din. Vi ønsker å vite hvordan du
hadde det på turen for å kunne lære mer om hvordan vi kan gjøre det på de neste turene.
Når du har svart grundig på alt, leverer du inn på Showbie i Erasmus+elev.

  1. Hva lærte du ved å få delta på denne turen? Nevn tre ting.
    What did you learn by participating on this trip? Mention three things.
  2. Hva lærte du om deg selv på turen? Nevn tre ting.
    What did you learn about yourself? Mention three things.
  3. Hva var fungerte godt på turen?
    What went well during the trip?
  4. Hvordan synes du det var å bo hos en ukjent familie? Ta med de gode erfaringene og
    utfordringene du møtte på.
    How did you feel about staying with a host familiy you did not know on beforehand? Mention
    good experiences and challenges.
  5. Hvordan representerte du Sodin og Hemne på en god måte. Beskriv.
    How did you represent your school and Hemne in a good way? Describe.
  6. Ble turen som du forventet? Forklar og begrunn.
    Was the trip how you expected it to be?
  7. Nevn personer du snakket med på turen, utenom de norske elevene og lærerne.
    Who did you talk to exept the norwegian student and the norwegian teachers.
  8. Hvordan har engelskferdighetene dine utviklet seg? Forklar.
    How did your English skills improve? Explain.
  9. Hva fungerte ikke så godt på turen?
    What did not work so well during the trip?
  10. Hva skulle du ønske var annerledes?
    What would you like to be different?
  11. Dine tips til de neste reisegruppene til Finland og Tyskland.
    Your tips for the student groups travelling to Finland and Germany:
    Takk for evalueringa di!
    Thank you for evaluating the trip!

Finland Learning, Teaching and Training activity

In preparation for the learning, teaching and training acitivity to Finland, Norway was given the responsibility of cheerleading and a prersentation about healthy living in Sodin school.


Cantine with healthy choices

Cheerleading practice

Fairplay team to Finland

Evaluation from the Learning, Teaching and Training activity to Finland

Norway Learning, Teaching and Training activity

Winning team. Students from all countries

In preparation for the Norway Learning, Teaching and Training activities, students were involved in planning the program for the week, preparing the new Norwegian sport of serveball and preparing themselves and their families for hosting students from the different countires involved in the project. During the Norway visit, the visiting countries were introduced to the Norwegian MOT program that is based on enpowering pupils to have courage in relation to making the right choice when it comes to bullying, relationships, social environments, drugs, alcohol and much more.

Evaluation from Learning, Teaching and Training activity to Norway

Germany Learning, Teaching and Training activities for Germany

In preparation for the Learning, Teaching and Training activity to Germany, the students created and rehearsed an anthem for the final fairplay tournament. They also prepared presentations comparing German and Norwegian sporting teams. They compared statistics and analyzed results from local teams such as Hannover 96, Rosenberg, KIL Hemne handball and Hannover handball. In addition to the presentation, the students also created a kahoot quiz as entertainment during the evening celebration. In final preparation, all students were involved in an erasmus sport tournament where they practiced all the new sports and analyzed playing strategies and fairplay objectives. During the final day, Charlie had a MOT lesson with the German staff and all the students involved in the project to enpowering eachother to have courage in relation to making the right choice when it comes to bullying, relationships, social environments, drugs, alcohol and much more.

Kahoot quiz

fairplay team to Germany MOT lesson in Germany


Evaluation of Learning, teaching and training activity for Germany